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Gomolemo Mokae

Gomolemo Mokae Dr Mokae was born in Ga-Mokopane, a town situated in Limpopo. He was the eighth child of Reverend Modisagarekwe Michael and Lotlamoreng

Manilal Mohandas Gandhi

Manilal Mohandas Gandhi (1892 -1956) was the second son of Mohandas Karamchand (The Mahatma) Gandhi and was active in his father’s Satyagraha movement. Although

Skhumbuzo Letlaka

Skhumbuzo Letlaka Skhumbuzo Letlaka (1964 – ) was born in the area of St. Wendolins Ridge, near Durban, and is the last born of

Margaret Daymond

Margaret Daymond Unknown-2021. After a first degree at the University of Natal (UN) and an MA from the University of Cambridge, Margaret Daymond took

Ari Sitas

Ari Sitas Ari Sitas (1952 – ) is a poet, writer and dramatist. Although a professional sociologist with a distinguished academic record, Sitas has

Daphne Rooke

Daphne Rooke Daphne Rooke (1914 – 2009), (pseudonym Robert Pointon used sometimes) was born in Boksburg, Transvaal, of an English father and Afrikaans mother.

What is Literary Tourism?

Literary Tourism is tourism that deals with places and events from fictional texts as well as the lives of their authors. This could include following the route a fictional character charts in a novel, visiting particular settings from a story or tracking down the haunts of a novelist.

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About Us

Hello and welcome to the KZN Literary Tourism website. Through this site, we aim to provide an invaluable resource for those interested in the relatively new field of Literary Tourism as well as provide information on the work we are currently doing from our base in Durban, South Africa.